
The owner or operator of any property with one acre or more of impervious cover in the Long Creek watershed must have a post-construction stormwater discharge permit, either the Long Creek General Permit or an Individual Permit.

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Maine DEP) regulates the Long Creek watershed and all permit applications are processed, and issued, by Maine DEP. The Long Creek Watershed Management District is not a permitting or regulatory agency, it implements the Long Creek Watershed Management Plan which is a requirement of Participating Landowners under the Long Creek General Permit.

  • Long Creek General Permit

    Any new development or re-development project seeking first-time permit coverage under the Long Creek General Permit must enter into a Participating Landowner Agreement with the District before submitting a Notice of Intent to Comply to Maine DEP. The respective obligations of the District and Participating Landowner are provided for in the agreement. As a requirement of the Long Creek General Permit, Participating Landowners pay an annual fee to the District. An estimate of the annual fee will be provided with the Participating Landowner Agreement.

  • Buying a Property

    If you are acquiring a property that is covered under the Long Creek General Permit, upon the transfer of a property the acquiring party submits a Notice of Intent to Comply to Maine DEP along with a copy to the District. By filing the Notice of Intent to Comply, the acquiring party assumes the “Participating Landowner Obligations” under the preexisting Participating Landowner Agreement for the property. Maine DEP will issue a permit transfer order.

  • Selling a Property

    If you are selling a property that is covered under the Long Creek General Permit, upon transfer of the property the conveying party submits a Notice of Termination to Maine DEP along with a copy to the District. By filing a Notice of Termination, the seller assigns the preexisting Participating Landowner Agreement for the property to the acquiring party provided the acquiring party submits a timely Notice of Intent to Comply.

  • Individual Permits

    Owners or operator of properties seeking an Individual Permit must submit an Individual Application for Post-Construction Discharge of Storm Water to The Long Creek Watershed to Maien DEP. Individual permittees are responsible for implementing their respective permit requirements and the District is not involved. Properties permitted under an Individual Permit must provide stormwater treatment meeting Maine DEP’s Chapter 500 Stormwater Management standards. For properties covered under an existing Individual Permit, follow Maine DEP’s protocols for transferring Waste Discharge Program permits.


Property Management Tips